Psychological Evaluations

About Psychological Evaluations

Psychological testing uses a variety of methods to identify a range of human behavior and thought processes. The tests require years of training to learn to use properly. Most of the tests we use were developed in the first half of the last century. They have been studied, researched, and refined for fifty years or longer. In addition to the tests, records from other sources and interviews with the subject and sometimes family members are also used to produce a complete psychological evaluation. We offer psychological testing for clinical, education, and forensic purposes.

Clinical Psychological Evaluation

Clinical psychological testing uses a combination of subjective and objective testing to clarify diagnosis in order to improve psychological and psychiatric treatment. It can also give insight us into our personalities and assist in improving our relationships with others.

Psychoeducational Testing

We provide psychoeducational evaluations for a variety of purposes. Psychoeducational testing involves the use of objective tests to quantify a person’s intellectual ability and their academic achievement. It is used to diagnosis learning disorders and other conditions that affect learning like Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychoeducational testing identifies a person’s strengths and weaknesses allowing a person to make use of those strengths with a goal of making up for their weaknesses. A report is prepared which can be used to obtain accommodation in various education and professional settings. Accommodations available vary depending on the setting. The type of accommodation most helpful depends on the results of the individual’s evaluation. If you or your child was given accommodations in high school and is going to college, the colleges often require retesting so they have the most current information. Psychoeducational testing is also used to assess qualification for various educational programs offered in public schools.

Forensic Evaluation

Forensic testing involves the use of subjective and objective tests to provide an expert opinion. We are experienced in assessment to people seeking disability benefits. We also perform assessments to assist parents involved with Child Welfare Services.


Psychological evaluations and testing vary in cost. The face to face testing time can last from 2-6 hours, depending on the tests required. To score and interpret the information might take another 3 hours and producing a report might take another 2-5 hours. Each individual’s need is different. We tailor the evaluation to the individual. Rather than quickly churning out a cookie cutter report, we produce a thorough in depth report using as much information as is available to us. However, when circumstances permit, we can tailor the evaluation to reduce the time required and therefore reduce the cost. In many cases, funds from Health Savings Accounts can be used.

Caryn Banqué, PsyD

CA License PSY24416

(530) 383-3051

2621 Capitol Ave
Sacramento, California 95816



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